Hakob Khachatryan
Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- 74 Teryan Str.,0009, Yerevan, RA
ANAU, II building, room #406, 434, 435, 427a, - (+37412) 58 37 01, Int 3-55, 2-37
- [email protected], [email protected]
The subjects “Statistics” and “Applied Informatics” are taught not only in the Chair and also for all specialties of the University, but the subject “Econometrics” is taught only for economics specialties.
Based on the modern requirements of the republic’s economy and using the best international educational experience, the mission of the Chair is to teach the specialists of the agrarian sector the creation of databases by modern information technologies and methods, the construction of models of the problems faced by the economy, as well as the ability to make forecasts and analysis using various statistical methods.
The vision of the Chair’s development is the training of agrarian specialists with appropriate skills, abilities, analytical abilities, high responsibility and professional qualifications aimed at increasing the efficiency of the competitiveness of both state and private sector farms and agricultural holdings, commercial and non-commercial organizations in the conditions of the activation of regional and global integration processes.
The Chair’s principle in solving the mentioned problems is:
– Interrelation of teaching, training and scientific research activities and the requirements of the economy
– Investment of international teaching experience, continuous improvement of subject programs
– Formation of practical knowledge, skill and ability
– Ensuring the smoothness of the normal generational change of the Chair’s staff
– Active participation of the Chair’s staff in the research carried out in the frame of the intra-university research structures, divisions, as well as in extra-university research programs
– Participation in conferences, scientific seminars, discussions
– Training of the Chair’s staff.
The Chair cooperates closely with the RA Statistical Committee, uses the official information provided by it.
Today, continuous work is being done on the modernization of the subject programs, their content is maximally adapted to the requirements of the labor market and is aimed at the training of competitive personnel for the agrarian sector, also at the formation of practical skills in the use of the most suitable, effective and applicable statistical methods and tools for solving economic problems.
The results of scientific research carried out at the Chair are reflected in more than 650 published articles, 16 monographs, numerous brochures, scientific reports and textbooks, as well as in copyrights. Economic-mathematical models of various biological, irrigation, environment, economic systems were developed at the Chair, also models of effective use of agricultural equipment, information security issues and optimal design, remote learning technologies were researched and proposed.
The Chair of Data Science was established based on the decision taken by the Board of Trustees on November 6 in 2018, as the result of the unification of the Chair of Statistics and Biometry and the Chair of Informatics and Mathematical Methods. Since 2002, the Chair of Statistics and Biometry had been operating at the Armenian National Agrarian University, which was headed by Q. Manukyan, A. Simonyan, A. Eghikyan, H. Khachatryan.
The Chair of Informatics and Mathematical Methods was established in 1970 at the Armenian Agricultural Institute. It was headed by A. Sahakyan, B. Shahnazaryan, H. Zakaryan, R. Chitchyan and M. Grigoryan.
Chair Staff
- Gohar Vardanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Professor
- Manushak Grigoryan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Anahit Mnacakanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Anahit Galanteryan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Armine Smbatyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Suren Kosemyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Gevorg Qeshishyan – Candidate of Sciences, Lecturer
- Astghik Movsisyan – Candidate of Sciences, Lecturer
- Nina Vardanyan – Lecturer
- Donara Manucharyan – Lecturer
- Julieta Nersisyan – Asistent
- Sona Avetisyan – Specialist
- Gohar Martirosyan – Specialist
- Lusine Nikolayan – Specialist
Statistics on the Bases of Biometry
Business analytics
Business Statistics
Informatics and Statistics
Applied Informatics
Economic Informatics including the empiric methods of social research
Biostatistics and data analysis
Applied Econometrics and data analysis
Big data analysis
Computer operator
Informatics and Information Technologies
Informatics and Basics of Information Technologies
Basics of Statistics
Statistical methods of information data processing
Information systems and technologies
Financial calculations in the EXCEL application software package
New information and educational technologies