Valeri Grigoryan
Doctor of Sciences, Docent
Acting Chair
- 10 Erebuni Str., 0041, Yerevan, RA,
ANAU, VI building, room #226 - (+37410) 45 16 01
- [email protected]
In the chair, the teaching-methodical works are organized in accordance with the requirements of the time. The chair is provided with necessary professional literature. In order to increase the efficiency of laboratory-practical trainings, the chair cooperates with the farms of the republic, the Republican Center of Veterinary-Sanitary and Phytosanitary Laboratory Services, Yerevan Zoo and animal-loving citizens. The main subjects taught in the department are ” Epidemiology and infectious diseases of agricultural animals”, “Parasitology and invasive diseases of animals”, “Organization of veterinary work and public healthcare”. The materials of the taught subjects are regularly updated with modern data of veterinary science and are uploaded to the “e-learning” platform of the university website. In classrooms, equipped with computers and projectors, the taught material is presented in the form of presentations and slides, in an atmosphere of free student-lecturer dialogue and professional debate. At the same time, laboratory classes are held in laboratories equipped with necessary equipment for microbiological and parasitological research.
The animal infectious diseases and parasitology laboratory operates adjacent to the chair, which is used both for scientific research work and for the educational process. The chair has a rich museum-auditorium of parasitological and veterinary biological preparations. The chair staff and graduate students have published more than 900 scientific articles, 20 textbooks and educational manuals, 3 monographs, 2 atlases, 19 brochures. 5 textbooks were translated, 19 patents were obtained. The chair staff regularly participate in foreign language courses, international conferences and seminars, and are constantly involved in the process of developing professional and educational programs initiated by the university and republic departments. Thus, in 2020, the “Community Vaccinators” modular educational program, “Veterinary Medicine” sectoral qualifications’ specifications, “Guidelines for the organization of veterinary activities under martial law and in emergency situations” documents were developed with the direct participation of the chair’s staff.
The chair staff cooperates with the relevant chairs of Moscow, Salonik, New York, Barcelona and other universities and international organizations. The Chair of Epidemiology and Parasitology of ANAU has always been and remains a consulting center for departments, individuals and legal entities engaged in professional activities in the fields of processing of animal origin products and raw material.
The Chairs of Epidemiology and Parasitology were founded in 1931 in Yerevan Zoo Veterinary Institute as separate chairs.
In 2001 in the result of the unification of the two chairs, the Chair of Epidemiology and Parasitology was founded. In 2009-2019 the chair was headed by professor H. Z. Naghashyan. From September 2019 up to January 2023, the chair was headed by candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor A.R. Mkrtchyan. Since January 2023, the acting chair is candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Valery Grigoryan.
Chair Staff
- Valeri Grigoryan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Mariam Sargsyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Liana Grigoryan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Anush Hakobyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Hasmik Vardanyan – Assistant
- Gohar Tovmasyan – Assistant
- Hrachuhi Balasanyan – Specialist
- Anahit Stepanyan – Specialist
- Haykuhi Zhamkochyan – Specialist
- Anush Khachatryan – Specialist
Epidemiology of agricultural animals and infectious diseases
Parasitic and animal invasive diseases
Organization of veterinary work and public health
Bee Diseases
Fish Diseases