Tigran Chitchyan
Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- 74 Teryan, 0009, Yerevan, RA,
ANAU, V building, room #206, 205, 212, 213, 214 - (+37412) 52 92 72, int. 2-13, 3-92, 3-25, 3-84
- [email protected]
The chair of Animal Husbandry was established in 1930. It was founded and headed by academician A. Tamamshev (Tamamshyan). In different years the chair was headed by professors Y. Marmaryan, Sh. Nersisyan, G. Gilosyan, R. Sargsyan, and since 2009 the chair has been headed by T. Chitchyan, docent. The chair of breeding and feeding of agricultural animals (the chair of Animal Husbandry, until 2005) was formed in result of unification of Feeding farm animals and Breeding of Farm Animals of Yerevan Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Institute and the Chair of Animal Breeding of Armenian Agricultural University. In 1997-2017 the chair was headed by V. Abrahamyan.
In 2017 in result of some structural changes the chairs of animal husbandry and breeding and feeding of agricultural animals were unified into the chair of Animal Husbandry.
At the chair a large number of scientific-research activities are being carried out referring to breeding and development of pet birds and animals, feeding of agricultural animals and birds, the innovation techniques of animal husbandry, reproduction of herb and flock, as well as using natural resources as additional mineral food (bentonite clay, zeolite, travertine) for animals.
Many chair lecturers carry out scientific research on “Ways to increase production of livestock products through the development of branch management technologies” funding by state. Young scientists of the chair are engaged in the study of the biological peculiarities of feeding and biological properties of beef imported to the Republic, as well as beekeeping problems.
The educational methodological publications are of importance to the chair. More than 171 textbooks, 119 educational methodological instructions and 1521 scientific articles are published and 11 doctorial thesis and 21 dissertations were defended. 6 copyright and 9 decree on selection achievement were received and dozens of instructions have been developed.
The chair lecturers closely collaborate with livestock pedigree and leading farms. Within the framework of “Livestock Agribusiness” project, trainings for young farmers are conducted in rural areas, competitions and presentations are held. The chair staff collaborates with UN Development Program, Strategic Development Agency, ICARE, GIZ and other state and public organizations. In the recent years huge attention is paid to high-quality and safe food production, animal welfare, as well as farming issues depending on climate changes and organic farming. Consultations on this and similar issues with leading farms of the regions are held by the head of the chair Tigran Chitchyan. The process of implementation of modern technologies and methods are of the priority issues of the chair.
Chair Staff
- Tigran Chitchyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Artur Harutyunyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Zorik Pambukchyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Harutyun Vardanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Lecturer
- Zhirayr Chitchyan – Candidate of Sciences, Lecturer
- Avetik Baghramyan – Candidate of Sciences, Lecturer
- Narine Mkrtchyan – Senior Laboratory Assistant
- Arimine Jilavyan – Senior Laboratory Assistant
Technology of cattle breeding
Technology of sheep breeding
Technology of pig breeding
Technology of fish breeding
Poultry technology
Technology of rabbit breeding
Technology of bee-keeping
Animal husbandry
Technology of animal origin products
Private animal husbandry
Animal origin raw material and food science and standardization
Agricultural animals breeding
Agricultural animal feeding