Manvel Badalyan
Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- 74 Teryan, 0009, Yerevan, RA,
ANAU, I building, rooms #311, #312 - (+37412) 52 09 05, Int. 3-71, 4-12
- [email protected]
The Chair of General Biology was formed in 1997.
Since 2009, the chair has been headed by docent M.V. Badalyan. The teaching staff of the chair has carried out effective research studies in the direction of revealing the biological nature of inbreeding depression and heterosis in animals, clarifying the genetic patterns of cattle breeding, revealing the phenomenon of inheritance of nutrias’ hair color and pleiotropy connected with it, also developed a new method of obtaining interferon, for which it received a copyright certificate.
Currently, scientific research works are carried out in the chair in 3 main directions:
- Genetics – directed to study virginity problems in turkeys, as well as protein diversity in farm animals and crops. A method of obtaining male turkeys from unfertilized eggs was developed, for which a copyright certificate was given to docent M. Badalyan.
- Botanics – aimed at the multifaceted study of plant ecosystems and plant species of particular interest / assistant professor A. Aleksanyan/.
- Zoology – aimed at the study of blood parasitic diseases and species composition of ixoda ticks (lecturer M. Vardanyan).
According to the resolution of ANAU Board of Trustees on August 30 at 2019, the Chair of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Virology joined the Chair of General Biology, forming the Chair of Biology and Biotechnologies. The Chair of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Virology was formed in 2013 on the basis of the former Chairs of Biochemistry and Veterinary Microbiology and Virology.
On the basis of the joint research works of the former chairs of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Virology and the Metabolism Problem Laboratory, ethanolamine was introduced in the republic as an animal growth promoter. About 460 scientific articles, 4 textbooks, training manuals, monographs and guides were published by the teaching staff of the department and 7 copyright certificates were received. 18 dissertations and 9 doctoral theses were defended. The staff of the chair participated in international biochemical workshops, as well as biochemical conferences, organized under the auspices of FEBS (Federation of the Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), ISN (International Society for Neurochemistry) and UNESCO. In the framework of international grant programs the staff was trained or worked at the universities of Great Britain (University of Nottingham), USA, Germany, Spain, Greece, France, Romania, Netherlands.
One of the achievements of the Chair and the Antibiotics’ Problem Laboratory, operating conjunct to him, is the detection of brucellosis in cattle by serological research for the first time in Armenia, as well as the separation of pathogens in large and small cattle, the study of their epidemiology, calf leptospirosis, lamb parsha and the detection of staphylococcal diseases in sheep. The chair’s scientists also carried out research in the directions of multi-faceted study of yogurt microflora, microbiological processes of local cheeses, contained liquid in tea mushroom, developed a new method of detection and disinfection verification of disinfectant and inactivating preparations.
Chair Staff
- Gayane Marmaryan- Doctor of Sciences, Docent
- Lyudmila Melkonyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Narine Khurshudyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Varya Dilanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Grigir Gasparyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Hasmik Harutyunyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Arthur Harutyunyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Sargis Avagyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Aram Avagyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Marine Vardanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Lecturer
- Alla Aleksanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Assistant
- Nelly Vardanyan – Assistant
- Irina Movsisyan – Assistant
- Varsenik Karapetyan – Assistant
- Armine Qosayan – Assistant
- Lusine Avagyan – Assistant
- Gohar Yaralyan – Assistant
- Hasmik Grigoryan – Assistant
- Eteri Khachatryan – Assistant
- Gayane Melkumyan – Specialist
- Julieta Grigoryan – Specialist
- Anahit Movsisyan – Specialist
- Nazeli Babayan – Specialist
- Svetlana Zhamkochyan – Specialist
Plant Physiology
Private genetics of agricultural animals
Animal Selection of Agricultural Animals
Genetic Engineering Fundamentals
Cell Geometry
Genetically Modified Organisms,
Food and Environment Security
Clinical Biochemistry
Food Biochemistry
Veterinary microbiology