Lusine Harutyunyan
Doctor of Sciences, Docent
Acting Chair
- 74 Teryan Str., 0009, Yerevan, RA
ANAU, I building, rooms #311, 312, 401, 408 - Tel. (+37412) 52 09 05, int. 3-38, 3-71, 4-12
- [email protected]
According to the resolution taken by the Rector of ANAU on December 5 in 2022, the Chair of Biosciences and General Chemistry was formed, in the result of unification of the Chairs of Biology and Biotechnologies and General Chemistry.
The chair is an important structure in the scientific and educational system of ANAU, as it is a base for a number of specialties of the University.
The chair carries out educational activities with students of all specialties of the faculties of Food Technology, Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry and Agrarian Engineering. General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Botany, Plant Physiology based on Biochemistry, Plant Genetics, Plant Technology, Microbiology and Mycology, Immunology, Virology, Biochemistry, Population Genetics, Biotechnology and genetic engineering, Applied Technology are taught.
The scientific and educational laboratories of the Chair, equipped with modern equipment, provide students with applied knowledge that meets the current educational requirements. The teaching staff consists of highly qualified specialists who are the authors of many educational and methodological works, manuals and scientific articles. The chair has a great potential to cooperate with various chairs of ANAU, particularly in the fields of simplification of alcoholic beverages, water purification and agroecology. Currently, at the Chair scientific research works are carried out in 6 main directions:
- Genetics: aimed at the study of virginity issues in turkeys, as well as protein diversity in farm animals and crops.
- Botany: aimed at the multifaceted study of plant ecosystems and plant species of particular interest.
- Zoology: aimed at the study of blood parasitic diseases and species composition of ixodic
- Biochemical: aimed at researching the biochemical composition of goat’s milk in different lactations and the biochemical indicators, determining the taste and nutritional quality of pork.
- Microbial: directed to the separation of brucellosis pathogens of large and small cattle, the study of their epidemiology.
- Chemical: aimed at the modification of natural sorbents, the study of their surface and sorbtion properties, the application for the purpose of water purification and extraction of heavy metals and organic pollutants from various environments.
Today, the Chair cooperates with a number of universities and scientific organizations of RA, in particular: The Chemistry, Physics and Biology Faculties of Yerevan State University, The Institute of Pharmacy, The State Pedagogical University of Armenia, Vanadzor State University, Goris State University, The Institute of ArmBiotechnology of the NAS, The Molecular Structure Study Center, as well as also The Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Kazan State University, Tver State University, Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Tbilisi State University, South-Kazakh University.
The Chair also cooperates with the high schools of the republic: different lectures and educational-experimental seminars on chemical topics of interest to high school students are regularly organized.
Chair Staff
- Gayane Marmaryan- Doctor of Sciences, Docent
- Manvel Badalyan- Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Roza Qarimyan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Naira Avdalyan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Varya Dilanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Hasmik Harutyunyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Arthur Harutyunyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Sargis Avagyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Aram Avagyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Marine Vardanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Lecturer
- Lusine Avagyan – Candidate of Sciences, Assistant
- Marine Hayrapetyan – Lecturer
- Sevda Mkhitaryan – Assistant
- Varsenik Karapetyan – Assistant
- Hasmik Grigoryan – Assistant
- Eteri Khachatryan – Assistant
- Marieta Avanesyan – Specialist
- Gayane Khurshudyan – Specialist
General Chemistry
Analytic Chemistry
Food Chemistry
Plant Genetics
Genetics and Biotechnology
Innovative Plant Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
Animal Genetics and Population
Plant Biotechnology
Basics of Chemical Composition of Products
Microbiology of Milk and Milk Products
Determination of Chemical Compounds of Environment and Separation by Chromatographic Method
Microbiology /dual/
Microbiology of Meat and Meat Products
Microbiology and Mycology
Physiology of Plants on The Basis of Biochemistry
Plant Genetics
Physiological Changes of Greenhouse Plants
Organic and Physcolloid Chemistry
Analytical and Physical Chemistry
Nutrition and Food Biochemistry: Module Food Biochemistry
Plant Physiology in Fundamentals of Biochemistry: Module Basics of Biochemistry