External assessment

External quality assurance mechanisms

In-depth analysis of qualifications for improvement

Consultation aimed at improvement

Decision on approving or rejecting accreditation for higher education institution or professional academic programs

Professional qualification confirmation, which is often carried out by professional unions

At the national level

Institutional and program accreditation procedures, standards, criteria, as well as participation of international experts

At the international level

In accordance with European quality assurance standards and guidelines.

Frequently asked questions

What is accreditation?

The word “accreditation” translated from Latin means “to trust”.
In Armenia education quality external assurance is being implemented by state accreditation.
Accreditation process is based on the implementation of some standards.
Higher education institutions, colleges and separate academic programs are being accredited.
Accreditation is a process by which educational institutions and academic programs are recognized for their performance, and quality that entitles them to the confidence of the educational community and the public.
If the institution or program is being accredited, it receives accreditation for 4-6 years. The accreditation guarantee stakeholders (students, faculty and staff, parents, graduates) that the organization provides high quality educational services.
The accreditation is awarded for a period, and confirms that the education institutions or academic programs have the required ability to guarantee the implementation of the academic activity.

Why is accreditation required?

The aim of the state accreditation is to confirm that the quality of the professional (vocational) education quality provided by the education institution is guaranteed for students, their parents, employers and interested public.
Accreditation of an educational institution is a process of recognition of compliance with accreditation standards set by the accreditation body for the purpose of presenting trustworthy information on the quality of the services provided by the accredited organization and its effective mechanisms.
Accreditation entails that the institution maintains the standards that endow its graduates to gain admission to other reputable institutions of higher learning or to achieve credentials for professional practice.
State accreditation for vocational and professional education is carried out by educational institutions and their specialties (RA law on “Education” ՀՕ-297, Article 42, paragraph 1, RA National assembly 14.04.1999).

What is the purpose of accreditation?

The accreditation
recognizes the quality of education provided in accordance with the requirements,
is guarantee for the applicant that the higher education institution provides profession with high quality and in-demand ,
promotes professional education institution’s internationalization,
provides external evaluation of the institution's quality assurance processes,
provides consultation from local and international experts aiming to improve the quality assurance process continuously.

What are the processes of accreditation?

State accreditation is carried out through the following two processes:
Institutional accreditation,
Academic program accreditation.
Institutional accreditation: Institutional accreditation is the status granted to an institution that has been found to meet or exceed established standards for educational quality, and professional education programs, and criteria of state accreditation and institutional accreditation. Accreditation is mandatory process for all education institutions in the Republic of Armenia. Institutional accreditation allows evaluating the effectiveness of professional education institution, as well as find out if the institution carries out its mission, continuous reform policy and promotes the development of educational programs.
Institutional accreditation is a prerequisite for Program Accreditation.
Professional academic program accreditation (hereafter Program accreditation). Programme Accreditation is the recognition of academic programmes and the correspondence of quality with state accreditation standards and programme accreditation criteria. Program Accreditation is targeted at separate academic programmes. This procedure allow to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of academic programmes as well as to monitor whether it thoroughly ensures the acquisition of intended learning outcomes. The Programme Accreditation is carried out on the initiative of the TLI, based on voluntary basis, with the exception of medical academic programmes, the accreditation of which is compulsory. As an outcome of accreditation process, the TLI or its separate academic programmes are positioned as accredited with a certain validity date.

What’s important during accreditation?

Authorized body
Legal persons, who develop standards and carry out accreditation of educational organizations based on the standards.
In the RA accreditation is carried out by a state authorized body – Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation. .
The accreditation model is in line with international processes of Education Quality Assurance. .
An educational institution seeking accreditation status can apply to ANQA or other quality assurance agencies that are either registered on the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR henceforth) or are full members of ENQA. Education institutions carrying out professional academic progarms outside the ENQA area or their branches in the Republic of Armenia can be accredited: their list is being approved by the authorized body’s (hereafter Ministry) head (hereafter Minister).
Accreditation tools
Standards are institutional and program accreditation’s tools.
Documents of accreditation body are the accreditation standards and define the requirements of the processed.
Current educational accreditation standards were approved by decision 959-Ն on 30 July, 2011.

Why the accreditation of academic programs is important to students?

The mutual recognition of diplomas issued by higher and vocational professional institutions of these countries in agreements concluded between Europe, the Eurasian Economic Union and CIS countries is only possible for graduates of accredited universities and colleges.
Protection of the Right of Education for RA Citizens in Foreign Countries and International Labor Market, and Higher Education Institutions in its own country is obliged to undergo accreditation process. Otherwise, even state diplomas awarded will not be recognized abroad.
Implementation of the basic requirements of the Bologna Process by the higher and postgraduate education system of the Republic of Armenia and integration into the international educational area.

Do students participate in accreditation processes?

Fourth accreditation standard refers to students, including clear criteria for student recruitment, selection and enrollment, policies and procedures for identifying students' educational needs, organizing additional training and counseling, and providing colsulting. There is a clear need to apply to administrative staff for student support and guidance analysis of the rules and timetables, student career support services, student engagement in the institution's research, and a number of other analyzes.
In the process of describing this criterion, accredited bodies (universities, colleges) often include students who help to provide objective and detailed information needed for the self-assessment report.
In the process of preparation for self-analysis report the representatives of the student body are being involved. They collect, study, and analyze required data aiming to identify existing problems.
In the framework of the accreditation process, an external expert team is expected to meet with students of the university/college visit, which will allow identifying the strengths of the accredited organization and identifying existing issues. Each of you can be in that group of students, meet with experts, and contribute to improving the quality of your university education.
Students from other educational institutions participate in the work of the accreditation body's external expert group as an expert with the decisive vote.

What is self-evaluation?

Self-evaluation is an evaluation procedure of an institution or academic program which is followed by a written report based on the standards adopted by the RA Government.

What is expertise?

Expertise ` is the study of self-analysis and supporting documents submitted by a group of independent experts and a visit to a education institution. Meetings with administrative, academic staff, student representatives, alumni, and employers during the visit take pace, and in expert report is being made which includes assessment as well as advice on improvement

What are the phases of accreditation and to which phases students participate in.

The phases of Accreditation
Submission of an official application to the accreditation body
Accreditation permission to the applying education institution (higher education institution, college)
Self-analysis of the education institution
Summarizing the results of visit
Sending the Initial version of the report to Higher Education Institution.
Decision making on accreditation.:
Monitoring after accreditation>
Organization of accreditation processes upon expiry of the accreditation certificat>:


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