Aghavard Khachatryan
Doctor of Sciences, Professor,
Acting Chair
- 74 Teryan, 0009, Yerevan, RA,
ANAU, II building, room #332, 407 - (+374 12) 58 25 82, (+37412) 58 37 11, int. 2-86, 2-88, 3-99, 2-81
- [email protected]
The Chair of Higher Mathematics, Physics and Applied Mechanics was formed on December 5 in 2022, in the result of unification of the Chairs of Higher Mathematics and Physics and Applied Mechanics and Graphics.
Lecturers of the Chair of Higher Mathematics, Physics and Applied Mechanics teach both in-full time and in-part time systems, as well as in the college for all professions. The number of taught subjects exceeds 25.
There are eight professional laboratories in the department of “Physics”, “Thermophysics”, “Resistance of Materials and Applied Mechanics”, “Computer Graphics”, two of which are computer laboratories. In the chair a great work is done to equip the laboratories with new equipment, to enrich them with animation and virtual laboratory works. The laboratories of the chair provide an opportunity to fully implement laboratory and practical works planned by the curriculum, the effectiveness of which is evaluated through the rubrics.
In connection with the recent optimization process, the training programs have been rechecked. Special attention was paid to the correspondence of the programs of the taught subjects with the specialties of the major chairs. In order to modernize the educational programs, the professors of the chair regularly carry out benchmarking with the leading universities abroad, which gives the opportunity to radically reform the educational programs, bringing them into line with the modern requirements of the labor market.
In accordance with the established format, a number of tests have been composed of examination subjects, and knowledge assessment is carried out using an examination system, which increases the objectivity and transparency of knowledge verification and assessment.
The lecturers of the chair carry out the teaching process with the innovative technologies and modern teaching methods, which significantly increases the effectiveness of teaching. The materials of lectures, hands-on and laboratory trainings were enriched with didactic materials and videos and have been uploaded to the Moodle e-learning platform of the university. Registration of students’ attendance and exam results is also being done through the Ebuh university management system.
In the Chair of Higher Mathematics, Physics and Applied Mechanics, great works are carried out in educational, scientific and consulting directions. During educational seminars a lot of questions about teaching methodology are discussed, various proposals are made, experience is exchanged.
The lecturers of the chair regularly hold open conversations and discussions with students on various issues within the framework of educational activities, which help to make the work of the chair more student-centered. The lecturers of the chair actively work on the tasks, prepared for the students, in order to do them directly related to the problems of the production areas in which the students specialize.
Internal and inter-chair checkups of the lectures, as well as regular trainings at the leading universities of the republic and abroad, greatly contribute to the improvement of the professional qualities of the chair’s lecturers, an adaptation of the best teaching experience and increasing responsibility for their work.
The process of carrying out scientific research works is on a rather high level in the chair: there is a permanent scientific seminar. Some of the lecturers are included in grant programs. Over the past few years, the chair’s employees have published more than 70 scientific articles, which are included in international journals with a high impact factor (Scopus and Web of science).
The chair cooperates closely with the Yerevan State University, the Institutes of Mathematics, Physics, Applied Problems of Physics of the RA NAS, the Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after Steklov, the University of Bremen in Germany, also with the Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Belarusian State, Siberian Federal, Donnie Rostov Federal Universities. In order to strengthen mutual cooperation, the chair’s employees actively participate in international conferences.
Chair Staff
- Ara Amiryan – Doctor of Sciences, Professor
- Smbat Daveyan – Doctor of Sciences, Professor
- Artur Minasyan – Candidate of Scinces, Docent
- Samvel Hambardzumyan – Condidate of sciences, Docent
- Silva Andriyan – Condidate of sciences, Docent
- Gevorg Khachatryan – Condidate of sciences, Docent
- Haykanush Petrosyan – Condidate of sciences, Docent
- Argam Papoyan – Condidate of sciences, Docent
- Mesrop Mesropyan – Condidate of sciences, Docent
- Arpik Kroyan – Candidate of Scinces, Lecturer
- Gvidon Matinyan – Lecturer
- Srbuhi Smbatyan – Lecturer
- Ofelya Amiryan – Lecturer
- Lusine Sargsyan- Lecturer
- Naira A.Khachatryan – Assistant
- Arusyak Sisakyan – Candidate of Scinces, Assistant
- Nver Tadevosyan- Assistant
- Vahanush Deghoyan – Assistant
- Varvara Petrosyan -Assistant
- Naira V.Khachatryan – Assistant
- Gayane Harutyunyan – Assistant
- Varduhi Brutyan – Assistant
- Metaksya Avetisyan – Specialist, Assistant
- Anna Aslanyan – Specialist, Assistant
- Lusine Kostanyan – Specialist
- Emma Margaryan – Specialist
- Kristine Khachatryan- Specialist
- Maksim Hovhannisyan – Assistant
Higher Mathematics
Theoretical Mechanics
Elements of algebra and mathematical analysis
Financial Mathematics
Fundamentals of mathematical calculations
Physics, Basics of biophysics
Physics and thermal engineering
Basics of Graphics
Topographic and land engineering drawing
Land construction drawing
Computer Graphics
Engineering graphics
Resistance of materials
Construction materials
Concrete and metal-concrete constructions
MMT and robotics
Applied mechanics
Ground Mechanics, Grounds and Foundations
Security of engineering constructions
Packaging materials
Computer design
Design of food industry enterprises