Marina Barseghyan
Candidate of Sciences, Docent
Acting Chair
- 74 Teryan Str., 0009, Yerevan, RA
ANAU, II building, room #339, 203, 209a, 229a - (+37412) 52 55 41, (+37412) 52 96 15, int. 2-65, 2-67, 2-66, 4-76, 2-27
- [email protected]
The Chair of Machinery Engineering and technical safety was established upon the decision taken by the order of the Rector of ANAU No. 956 dated October 20, 2023 (based on the relevant decisions of the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Council of the University), as a result of the unification of the chairs of Agricultural machinery, automation and equipment operation and Life safety.
According to the order of the Rector of ANAU No. 956 dated October 20, 2023 (based on the relevant decisions of the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Council of the University) the chair of “Agricultural machinery, automation and equipment operation” and “Life safety” chairs.
In both of the above-mentioned chairs, professors & researchers have been engaged in scientific research and educational activities for years. The scientists of the chair carried out works on the development of technologies and small-scale machines, developed and put into production new technologies and machinery for aerobic and anaerobic processing of manure and production of biohumus, grinding machines for condensed, rough, juicy fodder, mobile milking unit, etc.
The scientific researches carried out in the chair are also aimed at one of the main directions of the electrification of agriculture in the RA conditions, in the field of agricultural production, with the introduction of solar and alternative energy sources.
Certain works have been carried out in the direction of development of small-scale feeders and justification of parameters. The chair’s professors received about 100 patents and copyright certificates, several inventions were patented in Canada, France, and Germany.
Necessary training workshops are available at the chair: metal cutting, material science, interchangeability and technical measurement laboratories, which are equipped with appropriate technical means and still need replenishment.
In the field of “Safety of Bioactivity”, educational and scientific research activities are carried out at the chair in the following directions: improvement of agricultural production management technologies in radioactively contaminated soils, chemical preservation of fodder and straw chemicalization, improvement of granular fodder particles, development of methods of increasing transport ecology and environmental safety of traffic, development of alternative sources of energy effective use and improvement of the methods of ensuring the safety of the population in emergency situations in the Republic.
In organizing hands-on trainings, the chair cooperates with “GaryGroup” LLC, “IKO Machines” LLC/Kamatsu, “Zepelin”, “Ar-Be” LLC, “Nairi Beriutyun” LLC, “MEK” JSC. , “SHTIGEN”, “HETS” CJSC, etc.
In the field of educational and scientific work, the chair cooperates with the chair of life safety of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia, the State Academy of Crisis Management.
Chair Staff
- Armen Margaryan – Doctor of Sciences, Professor
- Hovhannes Hakobyan- Doctor of Sciences, Professor
- Armen Aghasaryan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Albert Grigoryan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Gohar Vardanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Seyran Kokhlikyan – Doctor of Sciences, Docent
- Hakob Matghashyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Hamest Galstyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Artur Altunyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Armen Davtyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Aram Mazmanyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Karen Hakobyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Lusine Antonyan – Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- Armen Mkrtchyan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Robert Artemyan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Andranik Aleyan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Liana Khachatryan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Tereza Harutyunyan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Marine Mkhitaryan – Candidate of sciences, Docent
- Armen Babayan – Candidate of Sciences, Lecturer
- Marieta Movsesyan – Lecturer
- Aleksey Baghdagulyan – Lecturer
- Aida Baroyan – Lecturer
- Edgar Galstyan – Lecturer
- Armen Ghazaryan – Lecturer
- Laura Sargsyan -Assistant
- Lianna Hakobyan – Assistant
- Grigor Nurazyan – Assistant
- Gayane Muradyan – Specialist
- Karine Gharibyan – Specialist
- Avetis Harutyunyan – Specialist
- Lusine Harutyunyan – Assistant
- Spartak Harutyunyan – Specialist
Exploitation of Agricultural Machinery
Wood Agricultural Machinery Mechanization
Material-technical Providing of Agriculture
Mechanization Of Animal Husbandry Farms
Agriculture Mechanization
Production Training and Road Traffic Rules
Exploitation of Automobile-tractor Park
Calculation and Design of Animal Husbandry Technologies
Agrarian Technique and Management
Methodology of Scientific Researches
Leading Animal Husbandry Technologies and Technical Devises
Features of operation of tractor aggregate in RA
Basics of Mechanized Work Quality Assessment and Technical Standardization
Improvement of the structure of the tractor park in RA
Technology Development and Technical Means Improving Directions In Animal Husbandry
Mechanization of Agricultural Production
Electrical Engineering, Basics of Electronics
Automation and Industrial Processes Automation
Electrical Communion
Agricultural Electrification
Theoretical Basics Of Electrical Engineering
Installation of Electrical Equipment
Electrical Measures
Electrical Machines
Power Supply
Automation and Basics of Telemechanics
Exploitation and Reconstruction of Electrical Equipment
Alternative Sources of Energy
Electrical Enlightenment and Radiation
Energy Audit
Energy Saving and Management
Electrical Equipment of Processing Factories
Automated Electrical Communion
Electrical Equipment of Small Hpps
Electric Motor of Agricultural Machines and Flow Lines
Electrical Measurements of Non-Electric Quantities
Management of Energy Resources and Energy
Agricultural Machines and Processing Technological Equipment
Electromechanical Installations of Automatic Systems
Information Technologies In The Energy System
The Relay Protection Of Electric Machines And Systems
Electrical Technologies In Agriculture
Greenhouse Electrification and Automation
Use of Heat In Agricultural Production
Material Science
Technology of Structural Materials
Metal Cutting Machines, Tools And Equipment
Agricultural Machinery Technology
Basics and Technical Measurements of Interchangeability
Automation of Technological Processes
Basics of Metal Cutting Theory
Machinery Reliability and Construction
Material Science and Metrology
Materials Science and Technology of Cutting Materials
Metrology, Standardization, Certification
Issues of Civil Defense and Emergency Situation
Industrial Sanitary and Hygiene
Rescue Technology and Machines
Safety of Production
Elementary and Man-Made Disasters
Ergonomics and Engineering Psychology
Theoritical Fundamentals of Life Safety
Medical Assistance In Emergency
Technogenic Risks Assessment
Radiation Safety
Chemical Safety and Protection
Sectoral Security
Supervision and Inspection of The Security Sector
Examination of Unforeseen Cases
Technogenic Systems and Ecological Risk Analysis
Environmental Monitoring and Technical Equipment
Engineering-Technical Provision In Emergency Situations
Carrying Out Emergency Brokerage
Methodological Basics of Labor Protection Systems Studies