Vachagan Melkonyan
Candidate of Sciences, Docent
- 74 Teryan Str., 0009, Yerevan, RA
I building - +(374 12) 96 00 05, Int 2-50
[email protected]
In 2010 Information Technologies Center was founded at Armenian National Agrarian University, which in 2013 was renamed into Center of Information Technologies and Innovation Programs. Center’s activity is aimed at research and exploration of information technologies, effective implementation of scientific researches in academic process, as well as organizing the library work in accordance with modern technologies, their continuous development, corresponding level of computer and technological education, realization of computer works, elaboration of joint information policy, investment of modern information technologies as well as all the other works referring to obtaining, realizing and developing information, information knowledge and new technologies.
Taking into consideration the variety and importance of functions implemented by IT and IP Center subdivisions were created, each one is responsible for the implementation of the separate components of area. The Center comprises the following dicisions; Division of Information Systems’ Management, Division of Information Technology System Service, Division of IT Knowledge, Printing House, Division of Information and Research Programs. Besides the above-mentioned departments, library, e-learning and internet cabinets are structural parts of the Center.
As a result of the university structural changes made by ANAU Board of Trustees, on November 6, 2018, the center of IT and IP was again renamed into the Information Technologies Center.
The Center undertakes measures to ensure effective use of the Moodle e-learning platform and applies Mulberry system.