Hakobyan Suren
candidate of sciences, professor,merited master of sport of the USSR
Head of Chair
- 0009, ՀՀ, ք. Երևան, Տերյան 74,
ANAU, I building, room 107 - Tel: (37412) 58 33 31, 3-23, 3-36
- [email protected]
The Chair of Physical Training of the Armenian Agricultural Institute was established in 1947. It was headed by P.T. Dolyan, V.S.Gasparov, A.V.Sokryukov , and Docent V.S. Hovhannesyan .The head of newly established Chair of Physical Training of Yerevan Zoo-technical and Veterinary Institute in 1949-1982 was Docent A.Janoyan, and from 1999-up to now – Professor S.Poghosyan.
The sportsmen-students of former Universities have always actively participated in inter faculty, regional, republic, international competitions and won prizez.In 2008 during inter-University Student competitions the students of ANAU won the first place in Women Basketball competition. In 2009 in inter-University running competition P.Manukyan took the second place. In 2011 “Orange Student Cup” competition launched, and the winner was ANAU 22 year old student Eleanora Sargsyan. The staff is involved in scientific-research work,as a result, one doctor and two candidates defended their degrees, one lecturer was granted the degree of Professor, and two were granted the degree of Docents. The chair published 140 scientific articles, 7 methodical manuals, 15 methodical instructions.
Ամբիոնի դասախոսական և ուսումնաօժանդակ կազմը
- Hakobyan Suren – candidate of sciences, professor,merited master of sport of the USSR
- Petrosyan Rafik – docent
- Sargsyan Hrachik – senior lecturer
- Virabyan Surik – merited master of sport of the USSR, senior lecturer
- Beglaryan Arsen – merited master of sport of the RA, lecturer
- Aslanyan Vladik – lecturer
- Hovhannisyan Gayane – lecturer
- Akopov Armen – assistant
- Kirakosyan Hayk – assistant
- Abrahamyan Emma – senior laboratory assistant
- Cuculyan Sargis – junior laboratory assistant