Beglaryan Anahit
doctor of sciences, professor
Head of Chair
- 0009, ՀՀ, ք. Երևան, Տերյան 74,
ANAU, V building, - Tel: (37412)52 28 17, 2-69
- …….
The chair of Milk Technologies’ Equipment, established in 1968, for number of years was headed by docent T.M. gabrielyan.
The chair of Food Industry Equipment since 1995 was headed by engineer, professor V.A.Tumanyan. Docents such as S.Sh. Shakaryan, A.R.Beglaryan, E.G.Mailova, H.A. Hakobyan, A.R. Hakobyan, A.V. Tumanyan, R.A.Baklachyan, senior lecturer H.A.Minasyan have lectured for long years. And the Chair of leather and Fur technology, Food Industry Equipment were separately established in 1995. Since the day of its foundation the Chair of Leather and Fur was headed by Professor S.M. Margaryan.
In 2007 the Chairs of Leather and Fur Technology and the Chair of Food Industry Equipment and Packing Technology were integrated into one chair, and the Chair of Food Industry Equipment, Packing and Leather and Fur Technology was founded.
The chair has a problem laboratory. About 200 scientific articles, 3 monographs and 4 educational manuals have been published; numerous copyrights and certificates were received.
Students periodically take part in different international expeditions and have won about 15 prizes. Today, alumni of this chair have serious investment in the field of packing technology of Armenia.
Ամբիոնի դասախոսական և ուսումնաօժանդակ կազմը
- Beglaryan Anahit – doctor of sciences, professor
- Margaryan Sokrat – doctor of sciences, professor
- Hakobyan Hayastan – candidate of sciences, docent
- Mailova Eleonora – candidate of sciences, docent
- Hakobyan Arusyak – candidate of sciences, docent
- Minasyan Karen – candidate of sciences, docent
- Tumanyan Anna – candidate of sciences, docent
- Petrosyan Armenuhi – candidate of sciences, lecturer
- Gevorgyan Tamara – lecturer
- Avetikyan Marieta – assistant
- Tarminyan Mane – assitant
- Saroyan Anahit – senior laboratory assistant
- Darbinyan Ani – senior laboratory assistant
- Nikolyan Lilit – senior laboratory assistant
- Davtyan Nelly- senior laboratory assistant
- Manasyan Lusya – junior laboratory assistant
Դասավանդվող առարկաները
Refrigeration Techniques
Processes and Apparatus of Food Production
Technological Equipment of Milk, Meat, Fish, Winemaking, Canning, Bread, Macaroni Industry
Leather and Fur Technology
Agricultural and Food Stuff Production Packing and Design
Chemistry and Technology of Leather and Fur
Leather and Fur Reprocessing
Leather and Fur Production Refuse Reprocessing
Standardization and Certification of Leather and Fur
Technology of General Chemistry
Processes and Apparatus of Leather and Fur Chemical Technology