Arevik Abovyan
Candidate of Sciences, Docent
Acting Dean
- 19 Koryun Str., 0009 Yerevan, RA, V building, II floor
- (+374 12) 52 59 56, int. 2-34
- [email protected]
The newly created Educational Excellence Center of Veterinary will be a unique structure uniting the various centers and individual specialists involved in the field. As a result, the reconsidering of the problems of the field and the assessment of the implemented programs will get another qualitative level, as a result of which the cases of infectious diseases of animals will decrease, the control mechanisms of biological hazards will be improved, and the problem of providing the population with safe food will be solved as much as possible. It is planned to regularly organize special training courses for lecturers and employees of the center to invest international experience in this field and ensure the best results of the reforms. The presented program will create a center of excellence equipped with the latest veterinary clinical equipment, simulation dummy structures, e-learning programs and with skilled employees, which will have educational, research and consulting components of the activity.
Today, the faculty implements a number of programs to gain in-depth knowledge and professional experience through production internships abroad. Professional open classes, seminars, meetings with the best experts in the field are also organized. The faculty also actively participates in various sports, cultural, intellectual and other events organized by the student council, within which it has many achievements.
The guarantee of stable work and professional growth for every professional is continuous professional development. For this reason, short-term training courses are implemented in the faculty. The trainings are implemented in accordance with pre-prepared and approved plans and schedules. The programs aim to contribute to the development of professional education and advisory services in the field of agriculture, practically applying innovative approaches and creating a practical educational system in the fields of veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, food safety, in accordance with the requirements of the modern market, and providing advisory services to farmers.
The veterinary clinical laboratory operates adjacent to the faculty, which actively participates in the full implementation of production practices of students studying in the college in bachelor and master’s program, both in the departments of full-time and part-time studies. It is also important that the scientists of all the chairs of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry implement more intensive work in the direction of training of production workers, organization of consultations and contribute to the implementation of the latest achievements of science in production, thereby ensuring the continuity of education.
Graduates of the faculty go to work in a number of state and non-state organizations and enterprises of the republic: markets, milk factories, meat factories, laboratories, farms of different communities of the republic, customs services, border guard troops, a number of security and internal affairs units, as well as relevant ministries. Since 2019 February, Arevik Abovyan, candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor, has been the dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.

Zoology and Biotechnology
Veterinary Sanitary Expertise
- 19 Koryun Str., 0009 Yerevan, RA, V building, II floor
- (+374 12) 52 59 56, int. 2-34
- [email protected]
History of the Faculty
On 1928, June 28 according to the resolution of Transcaucasia Country Committee Transcaucasian Veterinary Medicine Institute was founded. On September 18 Boris Masino was appointed as the first director of the University. On November 8, 1928, solemn opening of the Institute was held. At the opening Central Committee Leaders were present (A. Khanjyan, A. Mravyan, S. Kasyan, and others). The faculty of veterinary medicine of the Institute was headed and established by professor B. Mikhalkov. In 1930 Transcaucasian Veterinary Medicine Institute was founded in Yerevan. On 1931, October 25 a resolution about establishing Yerevan Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine Institute was made.
In 1994 Armenian Agricultural Institute and Yerevan Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine Institute were unified, and the faculty was renamed into The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in 2013 two faculties were unified and in result the faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry was created.
At the Faculty formation of the European Higher Educational Area is being formed, students’ free mobility and alumni competitiveness ensuring in labor market are being organized.
In frameworks of Tempus and Erasmus Mundus projects curriculum, subject programs were reviewed. The educational state criteria and curricula have been renovated.
Students take part in courses of artificial insemination and receive qualification of “Operator of Artificial Insemination”.
High-quality lecturers train the best specialists of tomorrow. The faculty has all necessary technical devices and materials, labs, teaching experimental farms to prepare high-quality specialists.
Now the faculty is going through a heated period of educational and scientific reforms, which are abundant in hardships and efforts are required to overcome different obstacles. Carrying out different projects, including such international projects as “Tempus Tasis”, “Erasmus Mundus”, will grant a possibility to reach the desired goal.