Lusine Nurbekyan
candidate of sciences, docent
Head of Chair
- 0009, ՀՀ, ք. Երևան, Տերյան 74,
ANAU I building, room # 336 - Tel. (37410) 56 06 16, int. 3-75
- [email protected]
Based on the decision of the ANAU Board of Trustees made at the session of November 6 the chair of “Social Sciences” was established through the unification of the chairs of “Armenian History and Philosophy” and “Law and Politics”.
As a separate chair, the chair of Jurisprudence and Political Science was founded in 2002. Docents S.E.Hakhverdyan, professor E.S.Ghazaryan headed the chair through its existance.
In 2004 chairs of Law and Political Science reunited and the head of chair was Sh. Galstyan.
All the lecturers have a great contribution in forming curricula and syllabuses.
The lecturers of chair implement scientific works, as well as do researches concerning the importance of agrarian law in labor market. Juridical aspects of agrarian lands, agreements between farmers and other issues are constantly researched.
The chair actively collaborates with corresponding chairs of different RA universities.
7 monographies have been published by the lectureres of chair.
Ամբիոնի դասախոսական և ուսումնաօժանդակ կազմը
- Lusine Nurbekyan – candidate of sciences, docent
- Voskanyan Vrezh – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor
- Khachatryan Bakhshik – candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor
- Minasyan Vrezh – candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor
- Gldjyan Arsen – candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor
- Khudaverdyan Anahit – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor
- Harutyunyan Sasun – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor
- Hovhannisyan Gegham – candidate of historical sciences,associate professor
- Hovakimyan Gagik – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor
- Vardanyan Gurgen – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor
- Torosyan Javahir – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor
- Simonyan Hasmik – candidate of historical sciences, lecturer
- Vahramyan Laura – senior lecturer
- Arakelyan Anahit – senior lecturer
- Simonyan Susanna – lecturer
- Movsisyan Mariam – lecturer
- Hambaryan Varduhi – lecturer
- Vasilyan Suren – lecturer
- Grigoryan Robert – lecturer
- Hambardzumyan Hasmik – lecturer
- Melkumyan Astghik – lecturer
- Ghazaryan Vahram – lecturer
- Nikoghosyan Inga – lecturer
- Brganunts Robert – lecturer
- Chilingaryan Lusine – assistant
- Ayvazyan Ashkhen – assistant
- Stepanyan Marine – assistant
- Atalyan Mariam – assistant
- Gharibyan Arusyak – assistant
- Azaryan Syuzanna – assistant
- Sargsyan Gohar – 1stcategory lab. assistant
- Hambardzumyan Tereza – 1st category lab. assistant
- Nersisyan Tsovinar–2nd category lab. assistant
- Najaryan Mary – 2ndcategory lab. assistant
Դասավանդվող առարկաները
Political Science
Water Legistlation
Finance Righ
Jurisprudence and MM Legostlation
Land Property Right
Commercial Wright