Armine Manvelyan
candidate of sciences, docent
Head of Chair
- 0009, ՀՀ, ք. Երևան, Տերյան 74,
ANAU, I building, room #342 - Tel. (+37412) 58 11 03, int. 2-36,3-94
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The chair of Viticulture was formed in 1927 in Yerevan State University, and later, in 1930, was moved to Agricultural Institute. The chairs of Horticulture and Plan Protection were founded in 1933 in Armenian Agricultural Institute. In 1947 Chair of Horticulture was united with Grape and Fruit processing Chair and was renamed as Chair of Horticulture. After establishement of Armenian Agricultural Academy in 1994, the three chairs were united, and in 1997 the chair of Horticulture and Plant Protection was formed. 2013-2018 head of chair was Docent Armenak Ter-Grigoryan. More than one thousand scientific articles, scientific booklets, methodological guidelines, monographs, text-books and manuals have been published by the chair pedagogical staff. The chair trains highly-qualified specialists in the field of viticulture, horticulture and plant protection, as well as selection.
Scientific-research laboratory of Viticulture and Horticulture was founded by Professor P.Ayvazyan. A rich fond of grape hybrids comprises 35. 000 seed-plants and 550 elite hybrids.
24 new selection sorts of table grapes, wine grapes have been created (authors – Professors P.Ayvazyan, G.Ayvazyan), copyrights and licenses have been received.
The chair collaborates with UN FAO, Orlean University of France, with laboratory-station of Ghrimsk, with different departments of Ministry of Agriculture, farms and etc. PhD students of chair carry out research works on different topics. The c
Ամբիոնի դասախոսական և ուսումնաօժանդակ կազմը
- Armine Manvelyan – candidate of sciences, docent
- Ter-Grigoryan Armenak – doctor of sciences, professor
- Barseghyan Yurik – doctor of sciences, professor
- Santrosyan Gagik – candidate of sciences, docent
- Ohanyan Artem – candidate of sciences, docent
- Hovhannisyan Ara – candidate of sciences, docent
- Avagyan Gayane – candidate of sciences, docent
- Gabrielyan Gayane – candidate of sciences, docent
- Muradyan Aramayis – candidate of sciences, docent
- Stepanyan Eteri – lecturer
- Ghazaryan Margarit – assistant
- Hovhannisyan Lyudmila – senior laboratory assistant
- Ghahramanyan Anahit – senior laboratory assistant
- Sargsyan Nelly – senior laboratory assistant
- Avetisyan Satenik – senior laboratory assistant
Դասավանդվող առարկաները
Horticulture on the Basics of Sort Science
General Entomology
Plant Protection
General Phytopathology
Protection of Forest Treeplants
Chemical Protection of Plants
Biological Method of Plant Protection
Plant Sanitary Expertize and Licensing
Basics of Plant Caranin
Prediction and Information of Pests and Diseases
Modern Methods of Insect Science Expertizing
Phytopathological Desease Expertise