Tornik Aliyan
74 Teryan, 0009, Yerevan, RA
I building, I floor
(+374 98) 75 55 59, int. 2-96
[email protected]
ANAU Student Council, the highest representative body of students, self-government body, expresses students’ interests and rights, ensures student participation in the University’s governance, promotes their educational and scientific, creative, physical, moral and spiritual development as well as military-patriotic, active civic education, leisure and recreation.
The council organizes intellectual events and games aiming at developing students’ culture of debating, environmental and ecological campaigns, summer schools are organized to help students to be closer to nature.
Various meetings, exhibitions, visits to culture centers promote students’ cultural and spiritual development.
The Student Council is comprised of committees on culture, sports, social affairs, as well as “Smart” intellectual and “Green Generation” clubs.