Training week at the University of Radboud

Within the framework of Erasmus + HG1 international credit mobility program in 2022 on June 20-24, 2010, Mariam Movsisyan, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Educational Reform and Zarine Poghosyan, Senior Expert  of the  International Relations Department, participated in an International Staff Training Week at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The international week featured guests from 21 different countries.

The University of Radboud was introduced on the first day of the course, and after that, the participants had a chance to get to know one another and share information about their respective institutions. Subsequent sessions discussed such topics as sustainability, student welfare, and engaging international alumni. They focused primarily on the subject of “sustainability,” which was the subject of a special session. No matter what course of study a student chose, it was a required component of their education.The welfare of the students was crucial. The guiding principle of Radboud University was “the right student in the right place”, the entire staff did all possible to help the student feel at home.The university was also responsible for looking after the student’s mental health.

 Additionally, a presentation on “Engagement with Society” was given. Radboud University brought together its residents, regional communities, local partners, experts in various fields, as well as the staff of the municipality, to work together to find a common approach to solving the “problems” of modern society. This was done in order to have a healthy, carefree society. The seminar on “Blended mobility in Erasmus +” was also worthwhile. An overview of the Dutch National Agency and the Erasmus + program was given at the outset. It was indicated that soon, blended learning opportunities through Erasmus+ would be investigated. These chances would include studies, internships, and blended intensive programs. All of the sessions were interactive, giving us the chance to talk on the subjects that were being covered.

The Radboud University’s International Staff Training Week was incredibly interesting, instructive and successful.