Search Results for : GeoTAK

International staff week at the university of Valladolid

During 17-21 of October 2022 an international staff week was organized at the University of Valladolid. The representatives of universities from different countries, specialists of the international relations departments, professors and other employees took part in it. The participant universities included Medical University-Sofia, University Paris-Saclay, University of Lodz, University of Tallin, etc. The leading specialist [...]

International Staff Week at the University of Valladolid

During 17-21 of October 2022 an International Staff Week was organized at the University of Valladolid. The representatives of universities from different countries, specialists from the international relations departments, professors and other employees took part in the Week. The participating universities included Medical University-Sofia, University Paris-Saclay, University of Lodz, University of Tallin, etc. The leading [...]

Academic process

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS OF PROFESSIONS CURRICULUM EDUCATION REFORM Guide to the European Credit Accumulation and Transfer System "Organization of the educational process with the credit system" methodical guide Report of the grant project "Improving the credit accumulation and transfer system as an important tool for mobility and integration into the European higher education area" Bologna process [...]