Invitation to International conference

Current issues of transformation processes in socioeconomic development of Russia in broader international context will be discussed by the participants of the International Conference “Problems of Global Reorganization in the Context of Socioeconomic Development of Countries, Regions and Rural Areas”. The conference will take place on November 3-8, 2021 in the Armenian National Agrarian University. ANAU Rector, Vardan Urutyan will chair the conference, and the President of the “Scientific-Educational Initiatives of Kuban” foundation, Vasili Sorokozherdyev will chair the Organization Committee of the conference.

The main organizers of the conference are the Krasnodar regional public charitable foundation “Scientific-Educational Initiatives of Kuban”, Armenian National  Agrarian University and Krasnodar branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Important roles in the organizational and scientific and methodological support of the conference are played by the Financial University under the Government of the RF, the Central Economic-Mathematic Institute of RAS and Sochi Institute (branch) of People’s Friendship University of Russia.

A number of renowned scholars in economics from universities of Russia, Armenia and Georgia as well as lawyers, sociologists and business people are expected to participate in the conference, with the total number of participants exceeding 40, including over 30 doctors and candidate doctors of sciences. The participants will be awarded certificates of completion.