Scientific journal 2019 2/66

“Agroscience and technology” scientific journal 2019 2/66

Theory and Calculation of Geometric and Kinematic Parameters of the Rotor Clod Crusher Drive in the Potato-Digger (pages 6-10): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

The Nature of Working Surface Wear in the Moldboard (pages 11-15): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

The Dependence of Angular Speed of Rotor Clod Crusher in Potato Digger on the Soil Clod Amount (pages 16-20): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Regulation of Soil Erosion in Case of Surface Irrigation (pages 21-23): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Single-Row Potato Digger Applied in the Mountain Slopes (pages 23-27): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Research on the Spoon-Chain Device Operation in a Single-Axle Potato Planter (pages 27-31): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Resource Improvement in the Disc Brake Mechanism (pages 31-24): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Analysis of Absolute Indicators for Assessing the Financial Sustainability in the Companies of Alcoholic Beverage Production (pages 34-37): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

The State and Development Trends of Viticulture in Vayots Dzor Marz of RA (էջ՝ 38-41): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Vine and Wine-Making Product Market and Its Economic Relevance in the Republic of Armenia (pages 42-45): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Accounting Problems of Financial Results in Agricultural Sector (pages 46-50): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

E-Governance Development Level in Armenia (pages 50-54): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Purchase Model of Agricultural Products (Value Chain) in the Republic of Armenia (pages 54-59): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

State Participation in the Process of the Natural Monopoly Settlement (pages 59-64): ABSTRACT

aPublic Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia

Statistical Characteristics of GDP and Unemployment Rate in the Marzes of the Republic of Armenia (pages 64-68): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Distant Hybridization and Polyploidy in the Currant and Gooseberry Selection (pages 68-72). ABSTRACT

aInternational Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University

Testing of Sublethal Doses of Bacterial and Chemical Preparations Against the Caterpillars of the Brown- Tail Moth in the Apple Orchards (pages 72-75): ABSTRACT

aFood Safety Risk Analysis And Assessment Research Center State Non-Commercial Organization (SNCO)

bArmenian National Agrarian University Vanadzor Branch

Genetic Aspects of Photosynthesis of Aromatic Tobacco Varieties and Optimization Ways of Selection: Rate of Photosynthesis (pages 76-82): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Risk Assessment of Copper Content in Fruit and Vegetable Sold in Markets of Alaverdi City (pages 82-87): ABSTRACT

aCenter for Ecological Noosphere Studies of NAS RA

Milk Productivity of Holstein Cows Imported from Lithuania in Armenia (pages 87-91): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

b Ministry of Agriculture of RA

Forecasting of Monieziosis Flash in the Cattle of Shirak and Vayots Dzor Regions in Armenia (pages 91-95): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

bMinistry of Agriculture of RA

Pasteurellosis Infection in the Monkeys at Yerevan Zoo (pages 95-99): ABSTRACT

aНаучный центр оценки и анализа рисков безопасности пищевых продуктов ГНКО

Improving the Production Technology of Smoked Chicken Meat (pages 99-101): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Pre-Treatment of Pumpkin in Compote Production (pages 102-105): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University

Development of Bread Production Technology Through the Lentil Flour Application (pages 106-110): ABSTRACT

aArmenian National Agrarian University