Voskehat Educational and Research Center of Enology

Garush Samvelyan

Acting Director


History and Objectives

Upon the decision taken by the Board of Trustees on November 6th, 2018, the scientific branch of Armenian National Agrarian University was renamed into “Voskehat Educational and Research Center of Enology” of ANAU Foundation. Since February of 2019 in result of optimization works 4 divisions were unified into 2;
1. Division of viticulture and wine-making,
2. Davison of foliage and physiology.
Structural changes have also resulted in staff cuts and 16 employees out of 31 were fired. Five young, energetic and prospective researchers work at the branch, who, in collaboration with experienced scientists, will provide solutions to the scientific problems. A short-term strategy is developed, which will promote the development of modern viticulture and winemaking. The scientific center, parallel to maintenance and development of infrastructures, plans to create a collection of old and valuable sorts of grape and other fruits, which will become a rich base for new scientific researches implementation. The program for more efficient use of approximately 60 hectares of land at Nalbandyan’s region belonging to the scientific center is being developed, where planting and cultivation of new plants are planned aiming to earn off-budget funds and ensure the development of the center. The branch already implements works on the cultivation of demanded sorts of grape (Voskehat, Tsilar, Kakhet, Muskat, Haghtanak), additional off-budget incomes can be received from selling.
Currently, negotiations are underway with joint scientific research institutions outside the Republic of Armenia.