Chair of Land Management and Land Cadastre



Head of Chair


  • 0009, ՀՀ, ք. Երևան, Տերյան 74,
    ANAU, II building, room # 319
  • Tel. (37410) 56 38 50, int. 2-76
  • [email protected]

The Chair of Land Management and Land Cadastre, being formed in 1997, later was included into the Faculty of Hydromelioration, Land Management and Land Cadastre. Docent R.H.Zaqoyan was the first head of chair from 1997-2003. Since 2009 head of chair is professor G.Yeghiazaryan.

Scientific researches that are conducted by the staff of the chair refer to the issues of land management, land management planning, land cadastre, geographic informative systems, and effective utilization of agricultural land formations, consolidation and enlargement of land, new methods of evaluating the land cadastre. 25 methodical instructions, 1 textbook, 3 student manuals have been published so far.
The most part of students work in the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre and in its divisions, as well as in the fields of cadastre evaluating, effective use of soil resources and etc.
The chair collaborates with the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre of the RA, “HoghShinMonitoring”, “Center of Geodesy and Cartography”, “Information Center” and etc.

Ամբիոնի դասախոսական և ուսումնաօժանդակ կազմը

  1. Yeghiazaryan Gurgen –  doctor of sciences,professor
  2. Voskanyan Karlen – candidate of sciences, docent
  3. Vardanyan Manuk – candidate of sciences, docent
  4. Muradyan Edik – candidate of sciences, docent
  5. Mkrtchyan Mkrtich- candidate of sciences,lecturer
  6. Safaryan Stanislav – candidate of sciences, assistant
  7. Hovhannisyan Aro – senior lecturer
  8. Harutyunyan Sergey – senior lecturer
  9. Ghazeyan Khachatur – candidate of sciences, docent
  10. Martirosyan Ruzanna – candidate of sciences, assistant
  11. Soghomonyan David – candidate of sciences, assistant
  12. Manukyan Gevorg – candidate of sciences, assistant
  13. Danielyan Misha – lecturer
  14. Khudaverdyan Nane- assistant
  15. Sargsyan Ani – assistant
  16. Patvakanyan Valeri- assistant
  17. Movsisyan Movses- assistant
  18. Gevorgyan Monika- assistant
  19. Gharibyan Marine – senior laboratory assistant
  20. Simonyan Ruzanna – junior laboratory assistant
  21. Avagyan Sonya – junior laboratory assistant

Դասավանդվող առարկաները

Land Management and Land Management Projecting
Land Cadastre and Land Monitoring
Organization and Technology of Land Management Work and Land Cadastre
Real Estate Cadastre
Geographic Informative System
Utilization of Land Resources