Specialties of Faculty of Economics

Specialties of Faculty of Economics

Accounting and Audit of Agrifood System

Trains accountants of branch direction for the agrifood sphere of the Republic that can occupy the following jobs: an accountant at the enterprises of agrifood system, a treasurer, an internal auditor, a head of economic service in the sphere of agribusiness, a financier at the central accounting dеpartment of the Ministry of Agriculture and a key specialist at finance boards, an economist-accountant in the regional and local authorities, a senior officer of crediting department in the bank system, an inspector or accountant of state tax service and its subdivisions, an accountant of accounting procedure and analysis, an auditor at auditing organizations, etc.

Finance Management
of Agrifood System
Finance Management of Agrifood System

The specialty of “Agrifood System Finance Management” gives the graduates a complex of professional knowledge in the following fields: state and non-state finance, bank and non-bank spheres, stock-exchange and insurance in agrifood system, investment policy and money circulation, financial management, marketing, financial analysis, securities market, taxes and tax assessment, statistics, financial accounting and accounting procedure. The specialists of this sphere are of great demand, as they can hold a leading position in financial structures of any economic players in agrifood system.