International Workshop of the T-GREEN project was held at the Mykolas Romeris University

A regular workshop in the scope of the Erasmus+ CBHE project “Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future” (T-GREEN) was held in the Mikolas Romeris University, Vilnius on November 18-22, participated by Lusine Mnatsakanyan, the ANAU Project Coordinator, and project experts Mariam Movsisyan and Emil Gevorgyan.

During the workshop, the Armenian partner universities presented the activities and results prescribed within the 4th work package, i.e. the new joint and reoriented master’s programs. In particular, the team of the Armenian National Agrarian University, among 8 Armenian universities, presented the “Green Economy and Management” double master’s degree program developed jointly with the Yerevan State University and the “Sustainable Cities” and “Food Product Technology” double master’s degree programs developed jointly with the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia.

The presentations by the universities were followed by group discussions and clarifications. Then the colleagues from the EU partner universities – International Hellenic University, Greece, Mycolas Romeris University, Lithuania, Catholic University of Portugal, and the Jagiellonian University in Krakov, Poland – exchanged more targeted considerations and suggested improvements for the programs.

The workshop was summarized at the management meeting, when Nerses Gevorgyan, the coordinator of the 4th work package of the project and the team leader of the Armenian State University of Economics, presented the Action and Improvement Plan and outlined the issues and tasks to be implemented by joint efforts of the participating universities and other institutions in the coming months.

Towards the end of the workshop, the Co-coordinator of the T-GREEN project and the representative of the Eurasia International University thanked the project participants and the hosting university for their efforts, willingness and the important role in the project.