ANAU Rector meets with the three Combat Cross holders

The meeting of the three ANAU students who are holders of the Order of the Combat Cross awarded to them during the recent war in Artsakh had a warm and heartfelt conversation with the Rector Vardan Urutyan. Arsen Margaryan, Gagik Davtyan, Emin Yeritsyan and Rector Urutyan talked about war and peace. Each reference from them on the war episodes and student life was revealing their bright individualities as professional soldiers, citizens who love the Motherland beyond everything and as dedicated and smart students of the Agrarian University.

Rector Urutyan thanked the boys for their heroism and courage and for defending the honor and dignity of their parents, communities, the University and the Motherland. “I am sure that after going through this unprecedented turmoil of the war, you now value more than ever everything that we have as a nation and that we must develop and strengthen together for the sake of the future of our nation and for the sake for your friends who were immortalized in the war”, – Dr. Urutyan said.

The boys feel their heroism is appreciated not only thanks to the high state orders they have received, but also because of the huge moral encouragement from Armenian people in Armenia and in the Diaspora.

The reputation of our heros has reached to our compatriots overseas; Greg Buzbuzian from Guelph, Ontario, Canada has recently provided a monetary assistance to Arsen, Gagik and Emil that Dr. Urutyan was delighted to transfer to the boys. Mr. Buzbuzian has founded Knar Jewelry with his brother in Guelph in 1978. His friendship with Rector Urutyan comes from Dr. Urutyan’s postdoc studies in the University of Guelph back in early 2000s.

Towards the end of the meaningful conversation, Rector Urutyan was delighted to make a gift of Serund (translated as “Generation”) wine that has become one of the visiting cards of our university.